


课程 & 日程安排









学术和学生服务管理所有的学术建议, 规划, 在校生的注册和管理. Advisers are a resource for current students to assist with proper course selection and answer questions regarding a program’s curriculum.

新!  夏季学习 & 技能提升资源
商学院的员工和教职员工已经把一个 暑期学习资源列表 供学生在暑假期间使用. It contains a vast amount of free and low-cost ways that students can do to continue to learn and grow professional skills.

商学院的工作人员总结了这一点 远程接入资源指南 供学生在网上学习时使用. 它包含有关学术和职业支持的信息, 以及本地和远程有趣的事情.

When needed, contact your adviser by email or phone to schedule a meeting.

Undergraduates; Accelerated 5th-Year; 工商管理硕士/无国界医生组织 Dual-Degree; 工商管理硕士/MSA Dual-Degree; MS-Marketing; MS-Marketing分析


无国界医生组织, MSA, MSBA和ms会计分析


最新的课程安排可以在 注册主任网页.


工商管理硕士, 无国界医生组织, and MSA students must complete a qualifying internship in order to graduate; these required internships are not eligible for academic credit. MSBA学生不需要完成实习, 但如果他们愿意,也可以完成实习以获得学分. After receiving an internship offer, a student should follow these steps:

  1. 握手请求批准.
    • 登录 握手 使用亚洲体育博彩平台证书.
    • 点击“就业中心”.
    • 点击“经验”.
    • 点击“请求体验”.
    • 填写表格.
    • 点击绿色的“请求体验”按钮.
    • 在下一个屏幕上上传录取通知书.
  2. 申请CPT通过 如此之门户.
  3. For MSBA students only… contact academic advisor in 商学院 to register for internship course.

等收到I-20后再开始实习. ISSO不能回溯CPT申请. International students may not legally work at an internship, 即使是无薪实习, 没有新的I-20授权CPT.

Clark’s 商学院 issues an updated 学术政策 Manual each year. Current students are expected to follow the policies and rules that govern the students, 商学院的教职员工. Please refer to this manual for information on academic integrity, 健康保险, 课程和毕业要求, 职业服务, 评分系统等等.

商学院学术政策 & 程序

The 商学院 has also issued a policy for students regarding the use of ChatGPT and generative AI tools. 该政策可以在这里找到:

CUSB ChatGPT & 生成式人工智能使用政策

Beta Gamma Sigma international honor society comprises students and scholars from business programs accredited by the AACSB International. 每年春天, the 商学院 celebrates the academic achievement of its top performing students with an induction ceremony and reception. Students from each of the 商学院 graduate programs are eligible for consideration. The deadline for determination of who will be inducted is during the Spring Semester after Module A grades are posted. 学生必须符合以下标准:

  • In final semester of degree program (or finished in the fall semester or previous summer).
  • 已注册所有剩余课程.
  • 财务状况良好(账户余额为零).
  • 累积绩点在M专业前20%.B.A, M.S. 会计学硕士.S. 在商业分析,M.S. 在金融,或M.S. in Management degree, or in the top 10% for the undergraduate management major.
  • 没有违反学术诚信政策吗.

These students will be invited to join the Beta Gamma Sigma honors society. Students who are on this list for invitation will NOT have any incomplete grades and will have fulfilled all of the degree requirements for their program by the end of the semester.

Breaches of the University’s Graduate Student 行为准则 will not be tolerated. Students are expected to know University policies regarding academic dishonesty (e.g.,抄袭,作弊).


A Stevenish Career Management Center course of career tutorials, 校友视频, and other resources that educate and prepare student to enter their first professional position.

访问 Canvas职业培训图书馆在这里.

商学院 students may 旅行 outside of the United States to gain hands-on experience addressing global business issues through one of Clark’s Global 项目 described below. Students hoping to take part in one of these programs should first speak to their academic adviser.


全球商业研讨会 is an experiential course that includes a week-long trip to an international center of commerce, 学生在哪里学习商业, 留学国家的经济和文化环境. 在国外, 学生由亚洲体育博彩平台学院教授, 常驻企业高管, 还有客座讲师. Site visits at select international companies may occur and help cohere the lectures, readings and discussions that precede the exciting and busy week abroad. Past 全球商业研讨会s have included trips to Norway, 阿姆斯特丹, 希腊, 阿根廷, 法国, 韩国, 和中国. Please contact your academic adviser for more information and to determine your eligibility for the course.


万神殿索邦神学院 is the largest institution in 法国 and is dedicated to the study of literature, 语言, 文明, 艺术, 人文社会科学. The Clark’s 商学院 exchange program allows students in the 工商管理硕士 or Master’s in Management programs to study abroad for a semester or full year. There are two options, based on student interest and French language skills.

感兴趣的学生必须通过入学要求. Tuition and fees are paid at the home university and are not required at the exchange university. Students participating in the exchange programs are responsible for funding their 旅行, 住宿及其他费用. Please see your academic adviser for more information and to determine your eligibility for the program.


在瑞典著名的林奈大学修一门课. 位于Växjö, Linneaus offers 商学院 students business courses in management and economics.

感兴趣的学生必须满足一定的要求. Students participating in the exchange programs are responsible for any additional tuition or fees, 旅行, 住宿及其他费用. Please see your academic adviser for more information to determine your eligibility for the program.

The 商学院 has been involved in initiatives surrounding 学习保证 for a number of years. The purpose of our initiatives is to conduct student learning assessment at the program level in all academic degree programs.

请参阅我们的 专门的学习保证页面 for additional information and program-specific learning goals. 



  • 主街950号

    The 商学院 is located in 卡尔森大厅, close to the Maywood Street parking lot.

  • 电话:1-508-793-7543
  • 传真:1-508-793-8822